Thursday 29 April 2021

What is a peat swamp forest?

What is a peat swamp forest?

Peat swamp forests known as idobo in the Zulu language are moist forests that are formed where waterlogged soil prevents dead leaves and wood from fully decomposing. Over time, this creates a thick layer of acidic peat inhabited by unique plant communities adapted to these wet, acidic, nutrient and oxygen poor soils.

Swamp fig Ficus trichopoda growing on the banks of the aManzimnyama river in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest

Swamp fig Ficus trichopoda growing on the banks of the aManzimnyama river in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest

Peat swamp forests form in areas where saturated soils or frequent flooding prevent organic material from fully decomposing. As this organic material slowly accumulates, it retains even more water through capillary action, up to 13 times its weight, acting as a giant sponge that holds in the moisture. Peat swamps known as ixhaphozi in the Zulu language eventually form a dome of wet organic material that can rise  above the surrounding flood levels.

It takes thousands of years for peatlands to form, with organic matter accumulating at 0.5 – 2 mm per year . Peat layers over 4 meters  are common, while depths of up to 20 meters  have been reported.

a photograph of the water well known as Kwa Ginga that has been used by the eMalangeni community for over 100 years in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest that was named after the royal son of Makhuza Tembe

 Above is a photograph of the water well known as Kwa Ginga that has been used by the eMalangeni community for over 100 years in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest. the well was named after the royal son of Makhuza Tembe

The unique hydrology of this habitat provides a critical buffer against flooding during the wet season, and insurance against drought in the dry season. The swamp retains heavy rainfall and slowly releases the moisture over an extended period of time. As climate change results in more extreme weather events and irregular precipitation, this ecosystem service is becoming even more critical.

The jewel of the eMalangeni Forest Euphaedra neophron,  the gold banded forester, is a butterfly in the family Nymphalidae

The jewel of the eMalangeni Forest Euphaedra neophron,  the gold banded forester, is a butterfly in the family Nymphalidae

In many ways, Peat swamp forests are similar to other tropical and sub-tropical lowland forests such as in the size and density of large trees. Unique biological communities are specially adapted to thrive in the flooded, oxygen poor environment.
Many tree species have large buttresses and Seepage of black water stained by tannins  in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest to hold themselves up in the soft peat soil. Others have pneumatophores or are covered with lenticels at the base of the stem to permit gas exchange with the air, as soils are waterlogged and often inundated.

The red mangrove Rhizophora mucronata with prop roots to support it in the unstable peat soil

The red mangrove Rhizophora mucronata with prop roots to support it in the unstable peat soil

Wetland associated plants are also very common in the understory and on the forest floor, epiphytes growing on the trees right up into the canopy are numerous, such as ferns and orchids.

The epiphytic fern Microsorum punctatum growing on threes in the eMalangeni peat Swamp forest in the Kosi Bay System
The epiphytic fern Microsorum punctatum growing on threes in the eMalangeni peat Swamp forest in the Kosi Bay System 

Peat Swamp Forests supply numerous ecosystem services to human communities.  These are natural services that are beneficial to humans but not paid for directly, these  services include timber and non timber forest products such as honey, nuts, fruits, medicines, latex, dyes, and fiber.   Peat swamps also provide fresh water and fish to local communities.
Peat Swamp forests regulate landscape hydrology, and have been described as “landscape sponges”, absorbing excess rainwater during wet seasons and during extreme storm events, and steadily releasing stored water during dry spells or droughts. They also serve as biofilters which trap sediments and excess nutrient runoff from agricultural activities upstream.  In their natural state, peat swamps are also globally significant sinks of atmospheric carbon.  

The Narina trogon Apaloderma narina is a most spectacular forest bird that is to be found in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest.

The Narina trogon Apaloderma narina is a most spectacular forest bird that is to be found in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest.

In South Africa peat swamp forests are highly threatened ecosystems, being the second rarest forest type in the whole country and only occur in isolated patches from the Mozambique border a few kilometers north of the Kosi Bay System  and the eMalangeni peat swamp forest to just south of the Msikaba River in the Eastern Cape 

The coastal peat swamp forests on the flat coastal plain of Maputaland which include the eMalangeni coastal peat swamp forest the largest of the peat swamp forests represent seventy five percent of all the swamp forest found in South Africa. 
The eMalangeni coastal peat swamp forest which has a total area of 880 ha feeds the Siyadla- aManzimnyama river that flows through it is the largest peat swamp forest in South Africa. The eMalangeni coastal peat swamp forest which is situated immediately south of lake aManzimnyama is the main source of fresh water for the Kosi Bay Lake System.  
The water that is released by the eMalangeni peat forest  into the aManzimnyama river (black water river) is stained dark brown by the tannins that leach from the fallen leaves and peat, hence the name aManzimnyama the Zulu name for black water.

The aManzimnyama river, black water river that flows through the eMalangeni peat swamp forest

The aManzimnyama river, black water river that flows through the eMalangeni peat swamp forest

The eMalangeni peat swamp forest displays a gradient between wet and dry swamp forest. Raphia australis, Syzygium cordatum, Schefflera umbellifera generally grow under drier conditions, while Syzygium cordatum, Voacanga thouarsii grow in intermediate conditions and Ficus trichopoda dominate the Riverine area of the forest.
The drier swamp forest on the western shore of Lake aManzimnyama has large stands of the endemic Kosi Bay Palm, Raphia australis palms. Syzygium cordatum which exhibits a grade of hydrological preferences, is mostly absent in the very dry Raphia australis and very wet Ficus trichopoda dominated vegetation areas.

The Kosi Bay palm Raphia australis growing in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest

The Kosi Bay palm Raphia australis growing in the eMalangeni peat swamp forest

Heavily disturbed areas of the forest which were caused primarily due to previous agricultural practices are characterized by a general lack of a fully developed tree canopy as well as hydrological modifications made to the peat by means of drainage ditches. Natural gaps in the forest are created where stands of the monocarpic Raphia australis palms die and fall over after flowering. 

Traditionally the light and durable wood of the endemic Raphia australis palms has been a very important component in the livelihood of the local peoples, the collection of fallen rachi is used for construction material for houses as well as canoes and rafts to cross the aManzimnyama river. 

A traditional boat used on the lakes at Kosi Bay made of the leaf rachi of the Kosi Bay palm Raphia australis

A traditional boat used on the lakes at Kosi Bay made of the leaf rachi of the Kosi Bay palm Raphia australis

In the past traditional farming practices enabled the local communities who have been relocated to live in harmony with their wetlands for several generations, as they rotated their gardens on a chosen peatland  and still have wetland habitat that remain intact in spite of their presence over several centuries. 

Tourism in this largely pristine peat swamp forest area that has been placed under the protection of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority  is playing an increasingly important role in the local economy as access and tourist numbers improve due to better infrastructure, such as new roads and lodges, and wider circulated publicity. 

An African Jacana  Actophilornis africana and young on the lily pads of the blue water lily Nymphaea nouchali in the eMalangeni peat forest

An African Jacana  Actophilornis africana and young on the lily pads of the blue water lily Nymphaea nouchali in the eMalangeni peat forest

Guided excursions that offer far more scientific knowledge and interesting facts in regards to the plants birds animals and other creatures encountered in the forest than the usual guided can be conducted in English, Zulu and German into the eMalangeni Swamp Forest and surrounding area including the nearby Tembe Elephant Park can be arranged and tailored to the individual needs of the client/s no matter at which establishment one will be staying at while at Kosi Bay. Please visit one of my websites for contact details.

Michael Hickman


please visit my websites 

as well as my other blogs at

Thursday 22 April 2021

Colourful Birds of the eMalangeni Forest

Here are some the most colourful of the birds to be found in the eMalangeni Forest and forest margins that we will endeavor to show you when you book to be taken on an eco-excursion through the Forest and explore the surrounds.

Black-collared Barbet Lybius	torquatus

I had no option other that to place this photo of a  Black-collared Barbet Lybius torquatus first because it is the bird that I have on my Ecoman company logo.

The White-eared Barbet  leucotis is more often seen than heard as it chatters away like a parrot up in the trees.

The White-eared Barbet  leucotis is more often seen than heard as it chatters away like a parrot up in the trees.  

The Little Bee-eater pusillus can be found most days at eMalangeni on the forest margins hawking insects

The Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus can be found most days at eMalangeni on the forest margins hawking insects in particular dragon flies often near to the nesting site.

The Gorgeous Bush-shrike  Telophorus quadricolor is another of the forest birds that are more often heard than seen

The Gorgeous Bush-shrike  Telophorus quadricolor is another of the forest birds that are more often heard than seen but if one has some patience these birds will appear as if by magic out of the undergrowth.

Burchell's Coucal Centropus burchellii

The Burchell's Coucal Centropus burchellii may not be as colourful as some of the other forest birds  at eMalangeni but it is a character in its own right that can be heard calling the rain in the early spring. 

Diderick Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius that lays her eggs in the nest of in particular the Spectacled and Dark Backed Weavers in the emalangeni Forest

It would not be summer without the distinctive call of the Diderick Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius that lays her eggs in the nest of in particular the Spectacled and Dark Backed Weavers in the emalangeni Forest.

Cuckoo	Red-chested	Cuculus	solitarius

The Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius is another well known South African bird that is heard far more than it is seen.

The African Finfoot Podica senegalensis is a shy and seldom seen water bird that can be seen in the eMalangeni Swamp Forest.

The African Finfoot Podica senegalensis is a shy and seldom seen water bird that can be seen in the eMalangeni Swamp Forest.

Crested Guineafowl Guttera edouardi lives in the forest but tends to nest on the forest margins in very well hidden nests.

Crested Guineafowl Guttera edouardi lives in the forest but tends to nest on the forest margins in very well hidden nests.

The White-crested Helmet-shrike Prionops plumatus conspicuously moved that the forest in noisy family parties.

Crowned Hornbill Tockus alboterminatus can not be overlooked when they are around because they move around in large noisy groups. they are one of the main agents of dispersion of the seed of the Kosi Bay cycad Encephalartos ferox

The Crowned Hornbill Tockus alboterminatus can not be overlooked when they are around because they move around in large noisy groups. they are one of the main agents of dispersion of the seed of the Kosi Bay cycad Encephalartos ferox very often dropping them under the Water berry trees Syzygium cordatum where they roost after eating them.

The Trumpeter Hornbill Bycanistes bucinator also moves around in large noisy groups and also is a major distributer of the seed of the Kosi Bay cycad at eMalangeni.

The Trumpeter Hornbill Bycanistes bucinator also moves around in large noisy groups and also is a major distributer of the seed of the Kosi Bay cycad at eMalangeni.

The African Jacana Actophilornis africanus can be found where ever there is floating vegetation in the river streams that flow through the eMalangeni swamp forest and on the edges of Lake Amanzimnyama

The African Jacana Actophilornis africanus can be found where ever there is floating vegetation in the river streams that flow through the eMalangeni swamp forest and on the edges of Lake Amanzimnyama

The Half-collared Kingfisher Alcedo semitorquata can be found along the Amanzimnyama river and the streams that flow through the eMalangeni swamp or peat forest is it is scientifically referred to.

The Half-collared Kingfisher Alcedo semitorquata can be found along the Amanzimnyama river and the streams that flow through the eMalangeni swamp or peat forest is it is scientifically referred to.

The Fiery-necked Nightjar Caprimulgus pectoralis can be found sleeping in the leaf litter on the eMalangeni forest floor for those who have good eyesight and an measure of luck.

The Fiery-necked Nightjar Caprimulgus pectoralis can be found sleeping in the leaf litter on the eMalangeni forest floor for those who have good eyesight and an measure of luck.

The Black-headed Oriole Oriolus larvatus that announces its presence with a load and distinctive call while sitting high up in the forest trees at eMalangeni,

The Black-headed Oriole Oriolus larvatus that announces its presence with a load and distinctive call while sitting high up in the forest trees at eMalangeni.

African Wood-owl Strix woodfordii are to be found in the eMalangeni Swamp Forest

African Wood-owl Strix woodfordii are to be found in the eMalangeni Swamp Forest

The fruit eating African Green-pigeon Treron calvus will be found in groups where ever wild fig trees are fruiting in the forest.

The fruit eating African Green-pigeon Treron calvus will be found in groups where ever wild fig trees are fruiting in the forest.

The Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola will usually be found near to water hawking insects on the wing

The Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola will usually be found near to water hawking insects on the wing.

The Red-capped Robin-chat Cossypha natalensis is a familiar and common garden bird in many gardens which is mostly still know as the Natal Robin

The Red-capped Robin-chat Cossypha natalensis is a familiar and common garden bird in many gardens which is mostly still know as the Natal Robin.

eMalangeni is home to this magnificent insect eating Broad-billed Roller Eurystomus glaucurus

eMalangeni is home to this magnificent insect eating Broad-billed Roller Eurystomus glaucurus

No forest along the KwaZulu-Natal coast would be complete without this colourful little Collared Sunbird Hedydipna collaris

No forest along the KwaZulu-Natal coast would be complete without this colourful little Collared Sunbird Hedydipna collaris.

The Olive Sunbird Cyanomitra olivacea is often found in the deep shade of the forest hawking insects or drinking nectar from the forest Strelitzia, Strelitzia nicholai.

The Olive Sunbird Cyanomitra olivacea is often found in the deep shade of the forest hawking insects or drinking nectar from the forest Strelitzia, Strelitzia nicholai.

African Purple Swamphen Porphyrio madagascariensis a beautiful but very aggressive bird that skulks in rank reeds and waterside vegetation.

African Purple Swamphen Porphyrio madagascariensis a beautiful but very aggressive bird that skulks in rank reeds and waterside vegetation.

The Red-fronted Tinkerbird Pogoniulus pusillus is a fruit and insect member of the barbet tribe found living in the eMalangeni swamp forest.

The Red-fronted Tinkerbird Pogoniulus pusillus is a fruit and insect member of the barbet tribe found living in the eMalangeni swamp forest.

Tinkerbird	Yellow-rumped	Pogoniulus	bilineatus

The Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird Pogoniulus bilineatus is very similar in habits to the red-fronted tinkerbird.

The spectacularly beautiful insect eating Narina Trogon Apaloderma narina is one of the gems of our indigenous swamp forest at eMalangeni.

The spectacularly beautiful insect eating Narina Trogon Apaloderma narina is one of the gems of our indigenous swamp forest at eMalangeni.

Livingstone's Turaco  Tauraco livingstonii is another of the rare gems to be found in the eMalangeni swamp forest

Livingstone's Turaco  Tauraco livingstonii is another of the rare gems to be found in the eMalangeni swamp forest.

The Purple-crested Turaco Gallirex porphyreolophus has become a  common and tame garden bird in urban gardens along the KwaZulu-Natal coast.

The Purple-crested Turaco Gallirex porphyreolophus has become a common and tame garden bird in urban gardens along the KwaZulu-Natal coast.

 No collection of bird photographs of birds of the eMalangeni swamp forest would be complete without the icon bird of the forest the Palm-nut Vulture Gypohierax angiogenesis also known as the vulturine fish eagle being presented. this large bird of prey is most unusual as it has a particular relationship to the Kosi Bay Palm Raphia australis the oil rich fruits of which represent a large portion of its diet

I thank a very long time friend Mark Tittley the senior youth pastor of Encounter Youth the youth ministry of Every Nation Rosebank in Johannesburg, South Africa for all of the excellent photographs he has allowed me to use for this posting without them it would not have been possible at this moment in time.

Guided excursions

Please join us on one of our many guided excursions conducted in Zulu, English or German into the eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay area, Tembe Elephant Park the home of the world largest elephants and other surrounding natural areas.

Please visit one of my websites for my contact details.

Michael Hickman


Please visit my websites at

as well as my other blogs at

Monday 19 April 2021

Photographs taken at eMalangeni Forest

Here are a few photographs taken with a cell phone of plants and other things of interest in and nearby to the eMalangeni Forest.

Crinum stuhlmannii subspecies delagoense

Crinum stuhlmannii subspecies delagoense belonging to the plant family Amaryllidaceae these magnificent bulbous plants grow in profusion on the forest edge and in the adjoining grassland at eMalangeni. 

The Amanzimnyama river "black water" which describes the dark colour of the water

The Amanzimnyama river "black water" which describes the dark colour of the water that has been coloured by tannins, that flows into the South end of lake Amanzimnyama.

Eastern Hinged Back Tortoise Kinixys zombensis

Eastern Hinged Back Tortoise Kinixys zombensis in the eMalangeni Forest. Hinge backs are unique for their ability to close the back part of the shell to protect them from predators. They are a significant food source for humans through much of their range

Poison olive Peddiea africana a small attractive forest understory tree

Poison olive Peddiea africana a small attractive forest understory tree with glossy dark green leaves belonging to the plant family Thymelaeaceae.

Creeping Foxglove Asystasia gangetica belonging  to the plant family Acanthaceae

The attractive white flower of the scrabbling herb Creeping Foxglove Asystasia gangetica belonging to the plant family Acanthaceae. these plants grow both in full sun as well as in the forest shade. Asystasia gangetica is the larval host plant for a number of colourful butterflies in particular the Blue Pansy, Junonia oenone oenone belonging to the family Nymphalidae.

Blue Pansy, Junonia oenone oenone belonging to the family Nymphalidae.

This beautiful Blue Pansy butterfly, Junonia oenone oenone belonging to the family Nymphalidae is found throughout Africa.

The twin crowns of the majestic Forest Cabbage Tree, Cussonia sphaerocephala poking its head through the forest canopy.

The bright yellow flower of the fresh water mangrove, the tree hibiscus, Hibiscus tilliaceus

The bright yellow flower of the fresh water mangrove, the tree hibiscus, Hibiscus tilliaceus is to be seen on the river bank as well as on the shores of Lake Amanzimnyama.

The crested guineafowl (Guttera pucherani)  a member of the family Numididae can be seen at times in open patches of the eMalangeni forest or on the forest margins

The crested guineafowl Guttera pucherani a member of the family Numididae can be seen at times in open patches of the eMalangeni forest or on the forest margins.

amioculcas zamiifolia a tropical perennial plant native to eastern Africa

Large expanses of Zamioculcas zamiifolia a tropical perennial plant native to eastern Africa, from southern Kenya to northeastern South Africa can be seen growing on the eMalangeni forest floor. Zamioculcas zamiifolia commonly referred to as the ZZ plants is a very well known and very popular house plant in many countries around the world. Growing at the base of the tree is the epiphytic fern, Microsorum punctatum.

The stately Dracaena aletriformis the larval host plant for a number of forest butterflies and moths

The stately Dracaena aletriformis the larval host plant for a number of forest butterflies and moths. when in flower Dracaena aletriformis attracts vast numbers of insects to its flowers and birds that eat the soft yellow berries that ripen in the winter months.

The bright red flower of the Dwarf Coral tree Erythrina humeana  can be found on the eMalangeni forest

The bright red flower of the Dwarf Coral tree Erythrina humeana  can be found in the late summer to early Autumn months on the eMalangeni forest margin as well as in the surrounding grassland. 

Cape Honey Suckle Tecomaria capensis can be found within the eMalangeni forest

The Cape Honey Suckle Tecomaria capensis can be found within the eMalangeni forest where it probably does not flower due to insufficient sunlight as well as on the forest edge.

Guided excursions

Please join us on one of our many guided excursions conducted in Zulu, English or German into the eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay area, Tembe Elephant Park the home of the world largest elephants and other surrounding natural areas.

Please visit one of my websites for my contact details.
Michael Hickman


Please visit my websites at

as well as my other blogs at

Sunday 18 April 2021

Parinari capensis locally known as umbulwa

Parinari capensis subsp. incohata locally known as umbulwa Maputaland Dwarf Mobola is a very interesting plant being a geoxylic suffrutice plant in the family Chrysobalanaceae. Umbulwa a low growing shrub above the ground are found in large numbers in the grasslands that surround the eMalangeni forest, which plays an important part in the diets of the local people

Parinari capensis subsp. incohata locally known as umbulwa

Parinari capensis subsp. incohata locally known as umbulwa

Simon Ngubane who grew up at eMalangeni told me Parinari capensis subsp. incohata is known by the local people as umbulwa, the fruit is known as ibulwa and the plural is amabulwa. 

Inside the fruit which I have eaten is a single large seed or nut that is also eaten. A tasty sauce similar to sauces made from peanuts is made by the people of eMalangeni. The fruit which is like a pear to eat is yellowish when ripe. 


Parinari capensis subsp. incohata is found in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe Mozambique, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo. 


Parinari capensis subsp. incohata grow on the edges of vleis, on sandy especially seasonally waterlogged oligotrophic soils and on Kalahari sands where trees are absent. Parinari capensis subsp. incohata can form large patches where they are not grazed by cattle on secondary grassland following destruction of woodland by fire, cultivation etc.

Typical habitat where Parinari capensis subsp. incohata grows note the more visible silver Vernonia natalensis plants.


 Parinari capensis subsp. incohata umbulwa is a geoxylic suffrutex having a substantial part of the plant growing under the ground, develops branches leaves flowers and fruit above the ground an adaptation to fire-prone habitats. umbulwa have been considered therefore as forming immortal underground forests of great age.

The woody stems are produced annually from leaf axils at the base of old stems usually grow up to 30cm tall, but very rarely to 1 metre,   The stems usually dying back to the base at the end of the growing season, though occasionally growing on into the following year The leaves are elliptical with a white underside. 

Umbulwa has small white flowers with a hairy sand-coloured calyx, which are produced from September to October.

The ellipsoidal edible fruit is up to 3cm x 2cm being a yellowish colour when ripe.

Ethnobotanical Uses

The fruit and seed are harvested from the wild for local consumption.

Immature ellipsoidal  slightly flattened edible fruit of  Parinari capensis subsp. incohata

Immature ellipsoidal  slightly flattened edible fruit of  Parinari capensis subsp. incohata

The fruit is eaten raw or cooked the sweet outer flesh which has a strong, characteristic flavour is eaten although somewhat dry and astringent. 

The fruit is often buried in sand for some time before being considered fit to eat

The fruit can also be dried and eaten as a soft cake

The juice of the fruit can be drunk fresh, or concentrated to the consistency of a gruel

The fruit is  used for making beer

The crushed kernels are eaten as a relish or are used to make a tasty sauce

The plant is used for anti-malaria purposes.

The Maputaland Wooded Grassland

The Maputaland Wooded Grassland also known as Maputaland, is a vegetation unit (CB2) of the Indian Ocean Coastal Belt Biome  and is limited to the Maputaland Centre of Endemism that is found along the coastal plain of northern KwaZulu-Natal and southern Mozambique.

According to the  ‘woody grasslands of Maputaland’ and ‘the underground forests of Africa’  are characterized by the many geoxylic (often rhizomatous) suffrutices that occur there. Geoxylic suffrutices, often referred to as ‘underground’ or ‘stunted’ trees, are dwarf woody plants with annual or short-lived woody shoots sprouting from massive or extensive woody, perennial, underground axes . Common examples of geoxylic suffrutices that occur in the woody grasslands of Maputaland are Ancylobotrys petersiana, Diospyros galpinii, Elephantorrhiza elephantine, Eugenia albanensis, Eugenia. capensis, Maytenus nemorosa, Pachystigma venosum, Parinari capensis subsp. incohata and Salacia krausii. 

Maputaland Wooded Grassland is also rich in plant species that are endemic to the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany hotspot, one of the eight most important biodiversity regions in Africa. A biodiversity hotspot is a region of significant biological richness and a high level of endemism which is threatened with destruction.


I noticed large numbers of the attractive grassland plant Vernonia natalensis belonging to the daisy plant family Asteraceae growing in association with Parinari capensis subsp. incohata a eMalangeni.

the flower of vernonia natalensis

The flower of Vernonia natalensis growing in typical Parinari capensis habitat at eMalangeni 

Guided excursions

Please join us on one of our many guided excursions conducted in Zulu, English or German into the eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay area, Tembe Elephant Park the home of the world largest elephants and other surrounding natural areas. Please visit one of my websites for my contact details.

Michael Hickman


Please visit my websites at

as well as my other blogs at

Microsorum scolopendria a Magnificent Fern in the eMalangeni Forest

This striking fern Microsorum scolopendria will very soon be noticed on entering into the eMalangeni forest, with its shining lush green leaves it is hard to not notice. In addition Microsorum scolopendria is one of the most  numerous plants on the forest floor often forming extensive patches and occasionally up into the trees.

Microsorum scolopendria is known locally as umlalamvubu commonly called wart fern in English

Microsorum scolopendria is known locally as umlalamvubu commonly called wart fern in English


This magnificent forest fern which is a favorite of mine was formerly known as Phymatodes scolopendria, does not only grow in  the eMalangeni Forest it is widespread in the Old World, occurring from Africa and Madagascar to Asia and Australia, as well as throughout Polynesia. 

In Africa umlalamvubu occurs along the east coast of South Africa from as far south as Port St Johns where it occurs mostly in dune forests and dune scrub as well as swamp forest near to the coast. From South Africa its range extends throughout tropical Africa up into West Africa. 

Microsorum scolopendria locally known as umlalamvubu, translated as the plants that hippos sleep on

Microsorum scolopendria locally known as umlalamvubu, translated as the plants that hippos sleep on

Microsorum scolopendria has a strong widely creeping rhizome up to 10 mm in diameter that mostly occurs on the soil surface.

The deeply pinnatifid, leathery fronds, up to 0.9 m long, are widely spaced along the rhizome. The leaf stalk is up to 400 mm long. The leaf blade is divided into narrowly oblong lobes, up to 220 x 30 mm. 
The deeply pinnatifid, leathery fronds of umlalamvubu Microsorum scolopendria

The deeply pinnatifid, leathery fronds of umlalamvubu Microsorum scolopendria

The somewhat sunken sori are round to oval, 2 to 3 mm in diameter and occur in one or two rows on either side of the costa. Adaxially the sori are embossed.

The sunken sori on the underside of the leaf of Microsorum scolopendria

Microsorum scolopendria crawls along the ground to form an extensive ground cover in places, but will also climb up tree trunks at times. 

Ethnobotanical uses
locally umlalamvubu is used by herbalists to treat abscesses for which a paste of ground leaves is mixed with earth from a wasp's nest before being applied. Umlalamvubu is also used to dress wounds where leaf pulp is used as a dressing, as well as to treat insanity, where leaves are ground then mixed with water and the liquid drunk.

Uses Singapore
The crushed Fronds of Microsorum scolopendria which contain coumarin a fragrant colorless crystalline solid with a sweet odor resembling the scent of vanilla are used to perfume clothes as well as coconut oil.

Uses in Hawaii

When crushed, the fern issues a scent similar to the fragrant maile plant, Alyxia stellata which is used in making traditional leis. Sometimes, pieces of the fern are interlaced into leis because of their fragrance. Microsorum scolopendria is also one of the plants used for scenting kapa fabric.

When crushed, the leaves of the fern Microsorum scolopendria issues a fragrant scent similar to vanilla

When crushed, the leaves of the fern Microsorum scolopendria issues a fragrant scent similar to vanilla

Microsorum scolopendria is a hardy species that is often used in landscape design in shady areas and for indoor landscapes. Microsorum scolopendria is easy to cultivate and grows in a wide range of habitats. Microsorum scolopendria when grown outdoors it grows best in light shade, but it will also tolerate direct sunlight for part of the day. In older gardens it often establishes on brick or stone walls, or on trees, especially palms. Although it will tolerate short dry spells it is best kept well watered.
Microsorum scolopendria makes and excellent indoor pot plant. 

When grown in hanging baskets  the creeping rhizome droop gracefully down from the basket.

This magnificent fern warrants being planted far more often in landscapes and gardens in the areas in KwaZulu-Natal where it grows.

Guided excursions

Please join us on one of our many guided excursions conducted in Zulu, English or German into the eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay area, Tembe Elephant Park the home of the world largest elephants and other surrounding natural areas. Please visit one of my websites for my contact details.

Michael Hickman


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as well as my other blogs at

Gonatopus angustus

Gonatopus angustus is an interesting plant belonging to the plant family Araceae closely related to and often found growing alongside Zamioc...