Showing posts with label Snake Pennywort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snake Pennywort. Show all posts

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Geophila repens found growing in the eMalangeni Forest

Geophila repens commonly known as Snake Pennywort

Another rare plant has been added to the long list of plants that are rare in South Africa that are to found growing in the eMalangeni Forest at Kosi Bay.

Geophila repens  Snake Pennywort   rare plant  in South Africa growing eMalangeni Forest  Kosi Bay

Leaves and stems of Snake Pennywort Geophila repens 

On the 19 March 2021 while walking in the eMalangeni Forest at Kosi Bay I saw a most attractive small creeping herb growing in a dense colony on the forest floor that was unknown to me. Little did I know at the time that this plant had only been discovered growing in South Africa in 2008 growing in a small dense colony in the Ngoye forest. See sanbi Red List of South African Plants

Little did I know at the time that here in the eMalangeni forest is only the second location in South Africa where this rare plant in South Africa has been seen growing.

Here is a video taken with my mobile phone at the location that I discovered Geophila repens

On my return to Durban I spent much time attempting to identify this plant without success eventually turning to the always very helpful friend and colleague Prof. Dr. Neil Crouch at the KZN Herbarium in Durban for help. Within minutes Prof. Crouch returned my query with the identification of this plant that had eluded me for over a week. Below are two photos kindly given to me by Prof.Crouch of plants collected in the Ngoye Forest for me to post on this blog.

flower of this Geophila repens is old and nearly closed

Unfortunately the flower of this Geophila repens is old and nearly closed 

Here is a really nice photo of the fruit and the underside of the leaves of Geophila repens

Here is a really nice photo of the fruit and the underside of the leaves of Geophila repens

Once I had a name for this delightful little herb in the coffee family Rubiaceae I was able to search the internet to look for information regarding this plant that is so rare in our region. I discovered that although it is rare in our region it has a pantropical distribution. I also discovered it has antioxidant, antibacterial and fungicidal properties. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

I believe that his plant has tremendous potential to be grown as a shade loving ground cover in the hot humid coastal regions of KwaZulu-Natal as well as a pot plant, both options I will be investigating.

When I have photos of flowers and fruits I will post them, in the mean time please google Geophila repens for images.

Guided excursions

Guided excursions in English, Zulu and German into the eMalangeni Forest and surrounding area including the nearby Tembe Elephant Park can be arranged. Please visit my websites for contact details.

written by Michael Hickman


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