Showing posts with label African peach moth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label African peach moth. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Deinbollia oblongifolia at the eMalangeni Forest

Deinbollia oblongifolia, Dune Soapberry, known locally as  iQinisa-masimu in the Zulu language growing in the eMalangeni Forest

Deinbollia oblongifolia is a small tree that is found mostly on the edges of the eMalangeni Forest  in full sun where it flowers and fruits best as well as in the forest. iQinisa-masimu belongs to the Litchi family Sapindaceae.

Deinbollia oblongifolia dune soap berry iQinisa-masimu belongs to the Litchi family Sapindaceae found growing emalangeni forest kosi bay complex isimangaliso wetland park south africa

Deinbollia oblongifolia Dune Soap Berry iQinisa-masimu belongs to the Litchi family Sapindaceae 

Deinbollia oblongifolia very productive tree that supports a wealth of wildlife, many bird species such as the Greenbul, animals such as forest antelope that feed on that browse on the leaves and pick up fruit that has fallen to the ground. iQinisa-masimu also attracts vast amounts of insects in particular bees and some of thee most beautiful butterflies found in the eMalangeni forest. If planted in the home garden the Dune Soapberry is one of the best plants for attracting birds, butterflies and moths as well as other insects into the garden.


Deinbollia oblongifolia is an erect sparsely-branched shrub or small slender tree, about 9 meters (30 ft) tall that has a very upright columnar growth form with distinct terminal heads of leaves. The stem that often branches low down has a dark grey brown colouration.

Deinbollia oblongifolia photographed at eMalangeni Forest i has a slightly different growth form that the trees growing further south

Deinbollia oblongifolia photographed at eMalangeni Forest has a slightly different growth form to the trees growing further south

The Leaves are alternate large, compound,300-500 mm long. The leaf stalk is up to 90 mm long. Leaflets opposite, 5-10 pairs, oblong to elliptic, 35-150 x 15-50 mm, hard, pale green when new becoming dark green, with pale veins. 

the leaves have a few hairs or hairless, they are clustered at the ends of the branches. The dune soap-berry may be easily confused with a young forest mahogany (Trichilia dregeana) because of the similar shaped compound leaves, however the dune soap-berry has paler green slightly matt leaves compared to the forest mahogany, which has a darker green leaf that is slightly more glossy.

The flowers of Deinbollia oblongifolia are white and are produced on branched flowering heads at the ends of the branches.

iQinisa-masimu produces masses of pale yellow fruits during the winter months, the fruits of the Dune Soap Berry are rounded, green and velvety when young to yellow and smooth when ripe.

sombre greenbul Andropadus importunus on deinbollia oblongifolia emalangeni forest

Sombre Greenbul Andropadus importunus on Deinbollia oblongifolia eMalangeni Forest photo Geoff Nichols

Deinbollia oblongifolia grows in coastal thickets, forest, bushveld and dune bush in the Eastern Cape, 
Kwazulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo, and in southern Mozambique.

the Dune Soapberry is usually found growing in full sun on the edges of forest and coastal bush
where it enjoys full sun but will survive in the shade but not flower and fruit as well.

Ecological significance in the eMalangeni Forest
iQinisa-masimu is a tree to look out for in the eMalangeni Forest if one wants to see the many very beautiful birds and butterflies that are associated with it.

The flowers attract many insects in particular butterflies, the sweet tasting fruits are eaten by birds, forest antelope, the thick-tailed galago Otolemur crassicaudatus also known as Bush babies, monkeys and humans.

The magnificent butterfly gold-banded forester Euphaedra neophron is plentiful in the eMalangeni Forest kosi bay complex

The magnificent butterfly gold-banded forester Euphaedra neophron
Thanks goes to Geoff Nichols for supplying this photo

Deinbollia oblongifolia is also the host food plant to many species of butterfly and moths, the leaves and developing fruits are fed on by the larvae of several butterflies and at least one moth the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina. 

the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina larvae feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia emalangeni Forest at Kosi Bay.

The African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina larvae feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia eMalangeni Forest at Kosi Bay.

These being the magnificent butterfly gold-banded forester Euphaedra neophron that should not be missed under any circumstances, the forest queen Euxanthe wakefieldi and the purple-brown hairstreak Hypolycaena philippus. 

Various Deudorix butterfly species' of which the larvae feed feed on the developing fruit of these trees, 

These including the larvae of the black-and-orange playboy Deudorix dariaves and the apricot playboy Deudorix dinochares

the butterfly Deudorix diocles on the flower of deinbollia oblongifolia

The butterfly Deudorix diocles on the flower of Deinbollia oblongifolia eMalangeni Forest
photo kindly made available by Geoff Nichols

The extremely attractive larvae of the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina also feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia.

The extremely attractive larvae of the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia in the emalangeni forest at kosi bay

The extremely attractive larvae of the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia in the eMalangeni Forest at Kosi bay

Charaxes butterflies feed on the fermenting fruits, in addition the green-veined Charaxes, Charaxes candiope, pearl Charaxes Charaxes varanes, satyr charaxes Charaxes ethalion, forest-king charaxes Charaxes xiphares, white-barred charaxes Charaxes brutus and the Natal tree nymph Sevenia natalensis feed on the sap of Deinbollia oblongifolia.

Uses by the local population

The fruit are eaten as well as he young leaves which are cooked and eaten as spinach by the local people.

The seeds lather in water and are used as soap. 


The roots are used in traditional Zulu medicine a root infusion being used for stomach complaints as well as to treat diarrhea and dysentery. Powdered bark is rubbed into cuts in the forehead to relieve headaches.

Ornamental Landscape Use
Deinbollia oblongifolia is an excellent small feature tree for use in landscaping in particular in the indigenous and home garden.

Deinbollia oblongifolia excellent tree for ornamental landscape use

Deinbollia oblongifolia is an excellent tree for ornamental landscape use

The Dune Soap Berry is a very attractive garden plant with its upright growth habit and glossy green leaves which give it a very lust tropical look. it does well in sandy soils in shady as well as sunny areas. 
this is one of the best most productive plants for attracting butterflies, moths, other insects and birds into the garden.

Growing Deinbollia oblongifolia
Deinbollia oblongifolia it is easily grown from fresh  seed planted into trays filled with seedling soil or a mixture of river sand and sifted compost  keep moist but do not over water.

Guided excursions

Guided excursions in English, Zulu and German into the eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay and surrounding areas including the nearby Tembe Elephant Park can be arranged. Please visit my websites for my contact details.

Michael Hickman


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