Thursday 15 April 2021

Zulu Beer Umqombothi at eMalangeni Forest Bush Camp

No visit to KwaZulu-Natal and in particular eMalangeni at Kosi Bay is complete without the ceremonial passing around of a clay ukhamba filled with umqombothi the traditional fermented drink.

clay ukhamba filled with umqombothi the traditional fermented drink

Traditional ukhamba filled with umqombothi ready for drinking

Umqombothi Zulu beer which is very rich in vitamin B is a traditional alcoholic beverage drunk by the local people of this area, which is brewed mostly by the women over a three day period.

Umqombothi is a refreshing, nutritious drink with a unique sour taste that plays a very important and central role in social events, such as feasts, weddings and other traditional occasions and in particular when someone contacts their ancestors, the amadlozi, or just for the joy of drinking it. 

Brewing Umqombothi was traditionally done in a large ukhamba clay  pot however today it is mostly brewed in large plastic drums in particular where it is to serve many. 

Umqombothi is brewed following traditional customs which vary slightly between regions, where the recipe has been passed down through the generations. 

The ingredients used to brew umqombothi 

The ingredients used are ummbila maize, amabele sorghum, unyawothi pearly millet, umthombo wombila crushed maize malt and umthombo wamabele crushed sorghum malt. depending on the ratio used the maize malt provides a lighter-toned beer with a mellower flavour. The sorghum malt provides a darker beer. In the past unyawothi pearly millet was traditionally  used in place of the maize and is in some instances it still used or blended with the maize.

crushed sorghum malt umthombo is used in the making of umqombothi at emalangeni

Crushed sorghum malt umthombo wamabele is used in the making of umqombothi at eMalangeni

This is the general method used to brew umqombothi which may differ slightly from area to area and from person to person brewing it.

The ingredients are mixed in a cast-iron pot and boiling water is added. The mixture is stirred and left overnight until the mixture starts fermenting and bubbles appear and a sour odour can be detected.

A small portion of this mash or wort is removed and put to one side. The remaining mash is cooked over a fire until a crusty sediment forms. This product is known as isidudu and can be eaten as a porridge. When making beer, the isidudu is left to cool for a day.

After the mixture has cooled, it is poured into a large clay pot known as Ukhamba or a plastic drum. The wort that was set aside is added to the vat as well as sorghum malt. The brew is stirred with a traditional stirring spoon called an iphini. The ukhamba is put in a warm place and is covered with a lid called imbenge and the ukhamba is then covered with a blanket to retain heat and is left overnight to allow time for fermentation. A plastic drum can also be used. 

Imbenge is the cover used to prevent dirt and insects falling into the ukhamba

Imbenge is the cover used to prevent dirt and insects falling into the ukhamba

The traditional method of testing to see if the brew is ready is to light a match close to the ukhamba, if the match blows out quickly, the brew is ready, if the match remains lit, the brew is not ready. This is because the fermenting mash produces large amounts of carbon dioxide, which does not allow for combustion of the match.

When the brew is ready, the fermented mash is filtered through a traditional grass strainer known as ivovo into a large put known as gogogo, to remove the spent grains known as izinzipho. this highly nutritious spent grains izinzipho is not wasted but is fed to chickens and goats. Some of  The  izinzipho left over from the brewing is kept for use in the  next batch of umqombothi to speed up the fermentation process. 

Ivovo is the beer strainer made of grass that is used to strainer the umqombothi before drinking

Ivovo is the beer strainer made of grass that is used to strainer the umqombothi before drinking

The grass strainers are only made by elderly people, using a centuries-old technique. It is a complicated and time consuming technique that takes great patience to learn and pass along to others. Younger generations are not always willing to learn this art, meaning that it is in danger of dying out, which could contribute to a loss of knowledge in brewing beer the traditional way.

The longer umqombothi is  fermented the higher the alcohol content will be, however it will not go much higher than 5% with time but  will go off if you keep it too long. Five days is normally the maximum time.

The first portion of the newly brewed umqombothi is poured onto the ground out of respect for the amadlozi or ancestors before drinking takes place.

The elder men the head of the home will often sit on their own isiQgiki soMnumzana traditional headrest and stool that no one else would ever sit on while drinking their umqombothi. 

isiQgiki soMnumzana traditional headrest and stool

isiQgiki soMnumzana

Please bear in mind that it is considered rude to drink umqombothi while standing up.

Here is one traditional recipe for brewing your own great tasting umqombothi at home using ingredients readily available from the local stores and in other parts of the country.

Here are the ingredients for a small serving

1 kg malt (umthombo wombila)
1kg malt (umthombo wamabele)
1 kg mielie meal
Boiling water

umthombo wamabele from King Korn

Here is the method

Day 1
Combine the mielie meal and umthombo wombila into a clean 5lt bucket.
Add boiling water and mix with a wooden spoon to form a loose paste and leave to cool.
Add 1 kg (umthombo wamabele) and mix using clean hands.
Cover and leave overnight.

Day 2
Make a fire.
Half fill a large pot with water and bring to boil.
Gradually add the mixture and cook to a porridge consistency and leave to cool.
Add 3 kg umthombo wamabele and leave overnight.
For extra fermentation add 1 Ijuba (or any other ready made sorghum beer) and do not mix and leave overnight.

Day 3
Using a beer strainer ivovo strain the beer into a clean bucket.
Serve the beverage from earthenware pot (ukhamba)

Or use equal amounts of maize meal and course sorghum following the method described above.
Using more maize malt will produce a lighter-coloured beer with a mellow flavour while using more sorghum will produce a stronger-tasting, darker beer.

Guided excursions

Please join us on one of our many guided excursions conducted in Zulu, English or German into the eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay area, Tembe Elephant Park the home of the world largest elephants and other surrounding natural areas. Please visit one of my websites for my contact details.

Michael Hickman


Please visit my websites at

as well as my other blogs at

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Indlubu an indigenous ground bean eMalangeni Forest

Indlubu is an African indigenous ground bean which plays an important role in the local culture of eMalangeni

Indlubu is an African indigenous ground bean belonging to the legumes in the plant family Fabacaceae having the botanical name Vigna subterranea  and known in English as Bambara groundnut. Indlubu was probably brought to and grown in this region through migration of the inguni indigenous peoples who brought it as far south as KwaZulu-Natal. Presently the cultivation of indlubu is confined to the Northern Province and KwaZulu-Natal.

Indlubu African indigenous ground bean Fabacaceae  Vigna subterranea   Bambara groundnut emalangeni kosi bay

Indlubu is an African indigenous ground bean which plays an important role in the local culture of eMalangeni

Indlubu which plays an important role in the local culture of eMalangeni is very tasty when cooked in salt water and eaten as a snack, they are just like salted peanuts or potato crisps. once you have had one you simply cannot stop eating them until the whole lot are eaten.

Indlubu Vigna subterranea is an annual, much branched, prostrate creeping leguminous plant, grown primarily for its very tasty nutritious edible seeds. In Africa, indlubu is the third eaten legume after namantongomane peanuts Arachis hypogaea and cowpea Vigna  unguiculata.

the beans of Indlubu vigna subterranea which is an African indigenous ground bean growing at emalangeni forest kosi bay south africa

The beans of Indlubu Vigna subterranea which is an African indigenous ground bean 

Origin and geographic distribution 
The center of origin of indlubu groundnut is probably north-eastern Nigeria and northern Cameroon. It is found in the wild from central Nigeria eastwards to southern Sudan, and is now cultivated throughout tropical Africa, and to a lesser extent in tropical parts of the Americas, Asia and Australia. Its use as a pulse in West Africa was recorded by Arabic travelers in the14th Century. Its importance declined after the introduction of groundnut from the New World tropics.

Indlubu represents the third most important grain legume in semi-arid Africa, Indlubu is resistant to high temperature and is suitable for marginal soils where other leguminous crops cannot be grown.
Sadly indlubu has largely been ignored by the scientific community being regarded as a poor man's crop.

traditional grain storage hut at emalangeni forest kosi bay south africa

Traditional grain storage hut isididi or inqolobane at eMalangeni Forest Kosi Bay iSimangaliso Wetland Park 

Indlubu is grown primarily for its seeds, which are used in many types of foods. Mature, dry seeds are boiled and eaten as a pulse. Dried seeds, either whole or split, are also mixed with maize then boiled. The seeds may be ground into flour, sometimes after roasting, to prepare a porridge. They are also added to maize flour to enrich traditional preparations. Sometimes seeds are soaked in water and ground into a paste which is used to prepare fried or steamed dishes. Immature seeds are often boiled with salt and eaten as a snack. 
The seeds and left overs are fed to  poultry, and the leafy shoots are used as fodder for goats, Zulu sheep and cows. 

Indigenous Zulu  fowl hens emalangeni forest kosi bay

Indigenous Zulu  fowl hens

Indlubu played an important role in the agriculture and of diets of the local people of the eMalangeni area before they were forcefully removed to make way for the iSimangaliso Wetland Park. Today  indlubu still plays an important role in the local cuisine.
The local people make a very tasty soup out of peanuts Arachis hypogaea and ground beans Indlubu Vigna subterranea and use them in very many other dishes.

a local woman pounding peanuts to make a delicious peanut and indlubu soup at emalangeni forest

A local woman pounding peanut seeds to make a tasty soup to which indlubu groundnut is added 

In the Local area it was believed that men that went away to work for long periods of time had to eat Indlubu on their return to cleanse themselves of possible diseases  before having intercourse with their wives

Climatic requirements
Optimal conditions for growth are 30-35°C day-temperature for germination, average day temperatures ranging from 20 to 28°C under full sun, average annual rainfall of 600-750 mm (optimum yields are obtained when rainfall is higher), good P and K soil content and light sandy loams with a pH of 5.0-6.5. Indlubu can grow in more humid conditions (annual rainfall > 2000 mm), and in every type of soil provided it is well drained and not too calcareous. It is tolerant to drought, to pests and diseases, particularly in hot conditions. In many traditional cropping systems it is intercropped with other root and tuber crops  
izimvu indigenous zulu sheep at emalangeni forest bush camp iSimangaliso wetland park south africa

iZimvu indigenous Zulu sheep at eMalangeni Forest Bush Camp iSimangaliso Wetland park 

Soil requirements
Optimal soils for Indlubu production are sandy soils to prevent waterlogging. Optimal soil depth is between 50 and 100 cm, with a light soil texture. Soil fertility should be low and soil pH is best suited between 5 and 6.5 and should not be lower than 4.3 or higher than 7.

Cropping system
Indlubu are suited to and were intercropped with ummbila maize, amabele sorghum, unyawothi pearly millet, ithanga pumpkin, ubhatata sweet potato and umdumbula cassava at eMalangeni.
Unyawothi Cenchrus americanus has been grown in Africa since ancient times as has been indlubu, the center of diversity, and suggested area of domestication for the crop is in the Sahel zone of West Africa. Zulu beer Umqombothi was traditionally brewed from unyawothi pearl millet and amabele sorghum.

Growth cycle
The growth cycle is between  90–170 days and under optimal conditions the cycle is about 120–150 days to pod maturity. Flowers appear 40–60 days after planting. 30 days after pollination the pod reaches maturity and during another 55 days the seeds fully develop. Every 30 days they are produced again. Like the peanut Vigna subterranea ripens its pods underground. 

Like most other legumes, Indlubu harbor symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the root nodules. The capacity to fix nitrogen means Indlubu require less nitrogen-containing fertilizer and they improve soil fertility, making them valuable in crop rotations.

Makhathini ecotype Zulu indigenous veld goats

Indigenous Zulu goat, Makhathini Ecotype Mbuzi, eMalangeni Forest Bush Camp iSimangaliso Wetland Park

Guided excursions

Please join us on one of our many guided excursions conducted in Zulu, English or German into the eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay area, Tembe Elephant Park the home of the world largest elephants and other surrounding natural areas. Please visit one of my websites for my contact details.

Michael Hickman


Please visit my websites at

as well as my other blogs at

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Deinbollia oblongifolia at the eMalangeni Forest

Deinbollia oblongifolia, Dune Soapberry, known locally as  iQinisa-masimu in the Zulu language growing in the eMalangeni Forest

Deinbollia oblongifolia is a small tree that is found mostly on the edges of the eMalangeni Forest  in full sun where it flowers and fruits best as well as in the forest. iQinisa-masimu belongs to the Litchi family Sapindaceae.

Deinbollia oblongifolia dune soap berry iQinisa-masimu belongs to the Litchi family Sapindaceae found growing emalangeni forest kosi bay complex isimangaliso wetland park south africa

Deinbollia oblongifolia Dune Soap Berry iQinisa-masimu belongs to the Litchi family Sapindaceae 

Deinbollia oblongifolia very productive tree that supports a wealth of wildlife, many bird species such as the Greenbul, animals such as forest antelope that feed on that browse on the leaves and pick up fruit that has fallen to the ground. iQinisa-masimu also attracts vast amounts of insects in particular bees and some of thee most beautiful butterflies found in the eMalangeni forest. If planted in the home garden the Dune Soapberry is one of the best plants for attracting birds, butterflies and moths as well as other insects into the garden.


Deinbollia oblongifolia is an erect sparsely-branched shrub or small slender tree, about 9 meters (30 ft) tall that has a very upright columnar growth form with distinct terminal heads of leaves. The stem that often branches low down has a dark grey brown colouration.

Deinbollia oblongifolia photographed at eMalangeni Forest i has a slightly different growth form that the trees growing further south

Deinbollia oblongifolia photographed at eMalangeni Forest has a slightly different growth form to the trees growing further south

The Leaves are alternate large, compound,300-500 mm long. The leaf stalk is up to 90 mm long. Leaflets opposite, 5-10 pairs, oblong to elliptic, 35-150 x 15-50 mm, hard, pale green when new becoming dark green, with pale veins. 

the leaves have a few hairs or hairless, they are clustered at the ends of the branches. The dune soap-berry may be easily confused with a young forest mahogany (Trichilia dregeana) because of the similar shaped compound leaves, however the dune soap-berry has paler green slightly matt leaves compared to the forest mahogany, which has a darker green leaf that is slightly more glossy.

The flowers of Deinbollia oblongifolia are white and are produced on branched flowering heads at the ends of the branches.

iQinisa-masimu produces masses of pale yellow fruits during the winter months, the fruits of the Dune Soap Berry are rounded, green and velvety when young to yellow and smooth when ripe.

sombre greenbul Andropadus importunus on deinbollia oblongifolia emalangeni forest

Sombre Greenbul Andropadus importunus on Deinbollia oblongifolia eMalangeni Forest photo Geoff Nichols

Deinbollia oblongifolia grows in coastal thickets, forest, bushveld and dune bush in the Eastern Cape, 
Kwazulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo, and in southern Mozambique.

the Dune Soapberry is usually found growing in full sun on the edges of forest and coastal bush
where it enjoys full sun but will survive in the shade but not flower and fruit as well.

Ecological significance in the eMalangeni Forest
iQinisa-masimu is a tree to look out for in the eMalangeni Forest if one wants to see the many very beautiful birds and butterflies that are associated with it.

The flowers attract many insects in particular butterflies, the sweet tasting fruits are eaten by birds, forest antelope, the thick-tailed galago Otolemur crassicaudatus also known as Bush babies, monkeys and humans.

The magnificent butterfly gold-banded forester Euphaedra neophron is plentiful in the eMalangeni Forest kosi bay complex

The magnificent butterfly gold-banded forester Euphaedra neophron
Thanks goes to Geoff Nichols for supplying this photo

Deinbollia oblongifolia is also the host food plant to many species of butterfly and moths, the leaves and developing fruits are fed on by the larvae of several butterflies and at least one moth the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina. 

the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina larvae feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia emalangeni Forest at Kosi Bay.

The African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina larvae feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia eMalangeni Forest at Kosi Bay.

These being the magnificent butterfly gold-banded forester Euphaedra neophron that should not be missed under any circumstances, the forest queen Euxanthe wakefieldi and the purple-brown hairstreak Hypolycaena philippus. 

Various Deudorix butterfly species' of which the larvae feed feed on the developing fruit of these trees, 

These including the larvae of the black-and-orange playboy Deudorix dariaves and the apricot playboy Deudorix dinochares

the butterfly Deudorix diocles on the flower of deinbollia oblongifolia

The butterfly Deudorix diocles on the flower of Deinbollia oblongifolia eMalangeni Forest
photo kindly made available by Geoff Nichols

The extremely attractive larvae of the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina also feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia.

The extremely attractive larvae of the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia in the emalangeni forest at kosi bay

The extremely attractive larvae of the African peach moth Egybolis vaillantina feed on the leaves of Deinbollia oblongifolia in the eMalangeni Forest at Kosi bay

Charaxes butterflies feed on the fermenting fruits, in addition the green-veined Charaxes, Charaxes candiope, pearl Charaxes Charaxes varanes, satyr charaxes Charaxes ethalion, forest-king charaxes Charaxes xiphares, white-barred charaxes Charaxes brutus and the Natal tree nymph Sevenia natalensis feed on the sap of Deinbollia oblongifolia.

Uses by the local population

The fruit are eaten as well as he young leaves which are cooked and eaten as spinach by the local people.

The seeds lather in water and are used as soap. 


The roots are used in traditional Zulu medicine a root infusion being used for stomach complaints as well as to treat diarrhea and dysentery. Powdered bark is rubbed into cuts in the forehead to relieve headaches.

Ornamental Landscape Use
Deinbollia oblongifolia is an excellent small feature tree for use in landscaping in particular in the indigenous and home garden.

Deinbollia oblongifolia excellent tree for ornamental landscape use

Deinbollia oblongifolia is an excellent tree for ornamental landscape use

The Dune Soap Berry is a very attractive garden plant with its upright growth habit and glossy green leaves which give it a very lust tropical look. it does well in sandy soils in shady as well as sunny areas. 
this is one of the best most productive plants for attracting butterflies, moths, other insects and birds into the garden.

Growing Deinbollia oblongifolia
Deinbollia oblongifolia it is easily grown from fresh  seed planted into trays filled with seedling soil or a mixture of river sand and sifted compost  keep moist but do not over water.

Guided excursions

Guided excursions in English, Zulu and German into the eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay and surrounding areas including the nearby Tembe Elephant Park can be arranged. Please visit my websites for my contact details.

Michael Hickman


Please visit my websites at

as well as my other blogs at

Tuesday 6 April 2021

iNjemane the local iLala palm wine

The local palm wine iNjemane is made from the sap of Hyphaene coriacea, locally known as iLala, as well as the sap of the local date palm, Phoenix reclinata, locally known as uSundu.

Mature iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea at emalangeni forest kosi bay complex isimangaliso wetland park

Mature iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea growing in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park

Although the ilala palm Hyphaene coriacea is not abundant in and immediately around the eMalangeni Forest very significant numbers grow in the area which have considerable cultural and economic significance and clearly make a significant contribution to the economy of the area. The local date palm Phoenix reclinata in however abundant in the eMalangeni Forest.


Hyphaene coriacea is common in coastal sand from eastern South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Madagascar it is much rarer inland.


Hyphaene coriacea is often seen growing near but not on the banks of rivers often in hot, dry areas in poor or exhausted soils with impeded drainage

reflextion of Mature iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea growing in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park

Reflection of a mature iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea growing in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park 


Hyphaene coriacea is dioecious with separate male and female trees. Hyphaene coriacea suckers to forms clumps


The fruits that are found only on the female trees are green to pale orange at first, becoming progressively more brown with age, they irregularly pear-shaped, about 60-80mm in diameter with a distinctive fruity aroma. 

unripe seed of the iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea growing in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park

Unripe seed of the iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea growing in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park

The outer shell is glossy and tough, internally an edible spongy fibrous pulp surrounds the single seed.

Ripe seed of the iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea growing in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park

Ripe seed of the iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea growing in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park

 The fruits take about two years to reach maturity and another two years before falling from the plant where they are dispersed by elephants, monkeys and baboons.

african elephant still distribute the ripe seed of the iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea in the nearby Tembe elephant park

African elephant still distribute the ripe seed of the iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea in the nearby Tembe elephant park


The iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea is an ethnobotanically-important plant to the local Maputaland communities where one estimate puts the number of plants at over 10 million plants in an area of 156,000 hectares.


The leaves are used extensively for weaving mats and baskets and brooms and similar ware, these were historically manufactured for domestic usage but now are becoming prominent items in the increasing tourist trade. 

Handbag made at Kosi Bay from leaves of the iLala palm

Handbag made at Kosi Bay from leaves of the iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea

Imbenge or lid made at Kosi Bay from leaves of the iLala palm covering a traditional Ukhamba pot

Imbenge or lid made at Kosi Bay from leaves of the iLala palmHyphaene coriacea  covering a traditional Ukhamba pot

umshanelo broom made at Kosi Bay from leaves of the iLala palm

umshanelo broom made at Kosi Bay from leaves of the iLala palm Hyphaene coriacea

The purchase of these useful household goods and souvenirs is to be encouraged, as the raw material from which they are made is eminently renewable. The methods used to harvest the leaves are sustainable. Only the young pliable leaves are harvested, with only one third of the leaf taken, so the remainder can develop fully. They are boiled and then dried in the sun to soften them for weaving and may be coloured using natural dyes.

iNjemane the local iLala palm wine

The is a vigorous local industry in the manufacture of palm wine known locally as iNjemane that it is highly intoxicating with an alcohol content of some 5-10%, which lies between the beers and wines. Injemane is obtained by tapping the stems of the iLala Palm as well to a lesser extent the local date palm Phoenix reclinata which is far more abundant in the eMalangeni Forest, to produce a sugary sap which is fermented by natural yeasts. To tap the palms the leaves are either burned or stripped and the growing tip is cut away, incisions made and a leaf stalk inserted as a spout. The sap oozes down this and is collected into plastic mineral bottles hung below. A plaited straw hat is placed over the tip of the palm to protect it from the sun and to keep it moist as well as to keep dirt out.

Plaited cap covering the container collecting the sap of the iLala Palm Hyphaene coriacea to make palm wine known locally as iNjemane

Plaited cap covering the container collecting the sap of the iLala Palm Hyphaene coriacea to make palm wine known locally as iNjemane  

As much as 60 to 70 litres can be obtained from an average tree of which the alcohol level reaches 3.6-3.7% by volume within 36 hours. Nutritional studies have shown that the product is rich in vitamin C and nicotinic acid but its value in terms of protein, thiamin and riboflavin content is limited. It has been estimated that over I million litres of iNjemane was sold annually in the 1980's. The iNjemane is used domestically, sold or traded locally. The iNjemane can be distilled to give about a 10% yield of a rather potent spirit.

Plaited caps covering the containers collecting the sap of the iLala Palm Hyphaene coriacea to make palm wine known locally as iNjemane

Plaited caps covering the containers collecting the sap of the iLala Palm Hyphaene coriacea to make palm wine known locally as iNjemane  

Unfortunately, the tapping process is at best semi-destructive and repeated harvesting eventually kills the iLala Palm. Apart from the physical decapitation, plants are often burnt to stimulate sap secretion. This industry is having a negative impact on the plant population numbers in Maputaland. A further complication is that the large but limited plant resource is leading to a clash of interest between the leaf harvesters and the wine tappers.

Palm Milk

The liquid, or 'milk' from the immature seed is used as a drink that has the flavour and colour of coconut milk


The iLala palm is not well known horticulturally, only a few botanical gardens and private collectors have it as something of a curiosity. Although relatively slow growing, it is an ideal plant for a dramatic effect and will do well in any sunny well-drained site in a frost-free tropical or subtropical area.

As a qualified and experienced horticulturist and landscape designer I encourage all that have suitably large properties and live along the KwaZulu-Natal coast to plant one or more of these magnificent palms in their garden. These palms do prefer growing in alluvial sands.

For own use the easiest way to establish this palm is to plant mature seeds directly into the ground where one wants to have the palms. Prepare a hole with a little compost then simply place 4-6 seeds the seeds on the ground on their sides and lightly press them into the soil leaving the seed clearly visible. Water daily and within no time at all they will sprout.

Young iLala palms Hyphaene coriacea

Young iLala palms Hyphaene coriacea

The seed of Hyphaene coriacea requires high temperatures to initiate germination so keep the seeds until the beginning of summer before planting. Place the seeds in containers in a well-drained medium in a sunny position. Do not allow the soil to dry out or become too wet. Germination can take place within 2 weeks, and requires only one week for the seedling radicle to establish in the medium below the seed. A germination rate of 66% has been attained within 3 weeks

The seedling radicle rapidly sinks itself into the medium and is very brittle. At this stage the seedlings can be carefully potted out individually into larger pots to accommodate the vigorous root system. Keep the plants in full sun at all stages.

If you do buy a young plant or grow one in a bag, take care not to injure the massive taproot when transplanting.

Conservation Status

This common and widespread palm neither needs nor receives protection. Moll (1972) estimated the population in Kwazulu-Natal alone at over 10 000 000 individuals.

Guided excursions

Guided excursions in English, Zulu and German into the eMalangeni Forest and surrounding area including the nearby Tembe Elephant Park can be arranged. Please visit my websites for contact details.

Michael Hickman


Please visit my websites at

as well as my other blogs at

Sunday 4 April 2021

Uvuma omhlope in the eMalangeni Forest

Synaptolepis oliveriana, Uvuma omhlope

the plant and fruit of the medicinal plant Synaptolepis oliveriana, Uvuma omhlope  used by local traditional medicine practitioners

The plant and fruit of the medicinal plant Synaptolepis oliveriana, Uvuma omhlope  used by local traditional medicine practitioners

I found a very interesting much sought after medicinal plant Synaptolepis oliveriana locally known as uvuma omhlope belonging to the plant family Thymelaeaceae growing in the eMalangeni Forest. Synaptolepis oliveriana known both locally and abroad as uvuma omhlope has a natural distribution from northern KwaZulu Natal into Southern Mozambique where it grows in the following vegetation types, Palm Veld and Wooded Grassland, Sand Forest, Northern Coastal Forest, Lowveld Riverine Forest, Maputaland Wooded Grassland, Maputaland Coastal Belt, Subtropical Dune Thicket.


Synaptolepis oliveriana, Uvuma omhlope is a small multi-branched scrambling shrub with dark brown, nearly black stems and blue-green spear shaped leaves. The large, fibrous roots are a striking porcelain white.

the very distinctive white root of the medicinal plant Synaptolepis oliveriana, Uvuma omhlope  used by local traditional medicine practitioners

The very distinctive white root of the medicinal plant Synaptolepis oliveriana, Uvuma omhlope  used by local traditional medicine practitioners

The flowers are tubular and white with orange pollen typical for plants in the plant family Thymelaeaceae.   The fruits are a small yellow to orange berry which are very good to eat.

The fruits of Synaptolepis oliveriana are a small yellow to orange berry

The fruits of Synaptolepis oliveriana are a small yellow to orange berry 

Traditional uses

The roots of Synaptolepis oliveriana, Uvuma-omhlope traditionally are used by the local Zulu people to produce clear visions when entering trance and to help diviners gain clarity.  The root is said to help one to communicate with one’s ancestors, to lead to visionary and prophetic dreams, and to aid in divination and in gaining answers to specific questions.

a local traditional house used by a traditional healer near to eMalangeni Forest

A local traditional house used by a traditional healer that I photographed near to the eMalangeni Forest

It has been established that the roots contain several novel alkaloids including a potent neurotrophic protein called kirkinine that induces the development and function of neurons in the brain. It is therefore considered as a brain tonic!

The roots of Uvuma-omhlope are quite large and are usually cut in to pure white chunks containing brown fibres in the centre. 

The dry roots are pounded into a white powder.  Uvuma-omhlope taken before sleep is often combined with other plants to create root infusions for the purpose of divination. It is reported that 300 mg of the dried root powder is sufficient to elicit lucid dreaming. Users also report feeling an increase in well being and happiness, that it alleviates anxiety, has disposition lifting properties, and that it averts impatience.


According to the South African National Biological Institute, Red List of South African Plants at this species is threatened due to over exploitation.

Guided excursions

Guided excursions in English, Zulu and German into the eMalangeni Forest and surrounding area including the nearby Tembe Elephant Park can be arranged. Please visit my websites for contact details.

Michael Hickman


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Saturday 3 April 2021

Microsorum punctatum Fern eMalangeni Forest

Microsorum punctatum Climbing bird's nest fern or Fishtail fern

The majestic epiphytic fern Microsorum punctatum is found growing as an epiphyte on many of the tall mature trees in the eMalangeni Forest where it is probably the most noticed and numerous epiphyte growing in the forest. Microsorum punctatum adds structure to the forest and gives it a lush tropical appearance.

majestic fern microsorum punctatum Climbing bird's nest fern or Fishtail fern growing as an epiphyte in the eMalangeni Forest in the Kosi Bay Complex north east South Africa

The majestic fern Microsorum punctatum, known world wide as the Climbing bird's nest fern or Fishtail fern growing as an epiphyte in the eMalangeni Forest in the Kosi Bay Complex north east South Africa


Microsorum punctatum has a short, creeping rhizome up to 4 mm in diameter and is covered with a thick felt of roots. The fronds are short-stalked and up to 10 mm apart. The narrowly elliptic lamina is simple, and up to 1500 x 110 mm. It has a thin leathery texture and is minutely pitted. The sori are about 1 mm in diameter and are irregularly scattered on the under surface of the lamina. The specific name punctatum refers to the minutely pitted or dotted nature of the lamina.

a close up view of the root mat developed by the majestic fern microsorum punctatum, known world wide as the Climbing bird's nest fern or Fishtail fern growing as an epiphyte in the eMalangeni Forest in the Kosi Bay Complex north east South Africa

A close up view of the root mat developed by the majestic fern Microsorum punctatum, known world wide as the Climbing bird's nest fern or Fishtail fern growing as an epiphyte in the eMalangeni Forest 


Microsorum punctatum is widespread in the temperate and tropical parts of the Old World, occurring from the Pacific islands, Malesia, tropical Asia and southern China to India, Madagascar and Africa. In Africa it occurs from West Africa through central to tropical East Africa to the east coast of South Africa as far south as Port St Johns. Microsorum punctatum is a predominantly low-altitude species occurring from near sea level to 1 500 m.


In South Africa Microsorum punctatum occurs mostly in hot and humid swamp and coastal forests, ranging from near sea level to approximately 750 m. The region experiences a seasonal rainfall of more than 1 000 mm per annum. Microsorum punctatum grows mostly as an epiphyte on trees, often high above the ground in evergreen forests, mostly in deep shade. They rarely occur on the ground and when on the ground usually as a lithophyte.

Microsorum punctatum, known world wide as the Climbing bird's nest fern or Fishtail fern growing as an epiphyte in the eMalangeni Forest 


Microsorum punctatum is one of the easiest ferns to grow, which is grown extensively in many countries as a pot plant and garden plant where it is known as Climbing bird's nest fern or Fishtail fern with many exotic looking horticultural cultivars having been produced.

microsorum punctatum seedlings from the emalangeni forest

Microsorum punctatum seedlings growing indoors

Microsorum punctatum is ideal for cultivation both indoors as well as in the garden provided that it is planted in deep shade, never exposed to direct sunlight and kept moist at all times. When they receive too much sunlight, they turn yellow and develop burnt sections on the fronds. When grown indoors increased humidity is beneficial. The species is best cultivated in a well-drained humus-rich medium kept moist at all times. A good well drained growing medium can be made out of equal parts of coarse composted bark, charcoal and chopped coconut husk.

Traditional uses

A tea is made Microsorum punctatum and taken for coughing fits. The leaf sap has also been reported to be used as an enema.

Extracts from the leaves have demonstrated anti-bacterial activity.

Guided excursions

Guided excursions in English, Zulu and German into the eMalangeni Forest and surrounding area including the nearby Tembe Elephant Park can be arranged. Please visit my websites for contact details.

Michael Hickman


please visit my websites at 

as well as my other blogs at

Thursday 1 April 2021

Syzygium cordatum at the eMalangeni Forest

Syzygium cordatum is very much the dominant tree in this area growing not only in the eMalangeni forest and forest margins but as bush clumps throughout the grasslands in the immediate proximity to the Kosi Bay complex where it no doubt plays an important role in the ecosystems where it grows.

mature syzygium cordatum growing on the forest edge at the emalangeni forest in the kosi bay complex on the north east coast of south africa

A mature Syzygium cordatum growing on the forest edge at the eMalangeni Forest in the Kosi Bay Complex on the north east coast of South Africa

The tree Syzygium cordatum locally known as umdoni in the Zulu language and water berry in English belongs to the same plant family Myrtaceae as the common guava, Psidium guajava.

Syzygium cordatum trees are favoured by many epiphytes in particular the indigenous epiphytic orchid, Cyrtanthus arcuata that in many areas grows exclusively on these trees.

cyrtorchis arcuata growing on syzygium cordatum emalangeni forest in the kosi bay complex of the north east coast of south africa

Cyrtorchis arcuata growing on Syzygium cordatum eMalangeni Forest in the Kosi Bay Complex of the north east coast of South Africa

In the bush clumps in the surrounding grassland dominated by Syzygium cordatum trees there is a particular relationship between the Syzygium cordatum tree, the Kosi Bay cycad Encephalartos ferox that grow underneath them and the Trumpeter Hornbill Bycanistes buccinator that eats the seeds of the Cycad and deposits the seeds under the Syzygium trees where they can be found grown in great numbers.

kosi bay cycad encephalartos ferox growing under Syzygium cordatum at emalangeni forest in the kosi bay complex on the north east coast of south africa

Kosi Bay cycad Encephalartos ferox growing under Syzygium cordatum at eMalangeni forest in the Kosi Bay complex on the north east coast of South Africa


Syzygium cordatum is a water loving evergreen single or multi-stem tree, which grows to a height of 8 -15 m being larger in forest and much smaller in open grassland. The leaves are elliptic to circular, bluish green on top and a paler green below. Young leaves are reddish. The specific name cordatum is from the Latin word cordatus, meaning 'heart-shaped', referring to the shape of the base of the leaf.


Syzygium cordatum has white to pinkish fragrant flowers that produce abundant nectar are borne in branched terminals and have numerous fluffy stamens. produce abundant nectar flowers from August to November.

the flower of syzygium cordatum growing at the eMalangeni Forest

The flower of syzygium cordatum growing at the eMalangeni Forest


The fruits of Syzygium cordatum are oval berries dark-purple when ripe.

the fruit of syzygium cordatum growing at the eMalangeni Forest

The fruit of Syzygium cordatum growing at the eMalangeni Forest

Distribution and habitat

The distribution of Syzygium cordatum is from the Eastern Cape through KwaZulu-Natal and northwards to Mozambique, Caprivi Strip and Northwards to include Kenya where it grows in swamp forest, forest, forest margins, in bush, in riverine thicket and, and in wet open grassy areas.

syzygium cordatum undoni water erry growing in grass land eMalangeni Forest at Kosi bay south Africa

Syzygium cordatum, umdoni, water berry growing in grass land at eMalangeni Forest, Kosi Bay Complex South Africa


The flowers of Syzygium cordatum produce much nectar that attracts bees and other insect pollinators. 

african honey bee Apis mellifera scutellata on the flower of syzygium cordatum

African Honey Bee Apis mellifera scutellata on the flower of Syzygium cordatum

Syzygium cordatum is by far the favourite tree for the epiphytic orchid Cyrtorchis arcuata to grow on. 

trumpeter hornbill distributes the seeds of the kosi bay cycad encephalartos ferox under syzygium cordatum at eMalangeni forest at Kosi Bay Complex

The Trumpeter hornbill distributes the seeds of the Kosi Bay cycad Encephalartos ferox under Syzygium cordatum at eMalangeni Forest at Kosi Bay Complex

Syzygium cordatum is a food plant for larvae of the Apricot Playboy (Deudorix dinochares). These butterfly larvae feed on the Seeds within the pods. Kudu, Nyala, and Duiker eat the Leaves The emperor moths (Micragone cana) feed on the leaves. Their caterpillars are collected for food by the locals.

Crowned Hornbills are attracted to the caterpillars that occasionally infest the tree. 

Syzygium cordatum is fire resistant.


Syzygium cordatum has many uses. The astringent fleshy fruit of Syzygium cordatum is edible, slightly acid in flavour, is eaten by children and adults, monkeys, bush-babies and birds. The berries are also used to make an alcoholic wine like drink. The powdered bark is used as a fish poison. In central Africa the tree is known as a remedy for stomach ache and diarrhoea. It is also used to treat respiratory ailments and tuberculosis.

The wood is light reddish brown to grey, works easily, is very durable in water which makes it exceptionally good for boat building. The wood smoke which is pleasantly aromatic is used to cure milk gourds

A purple dye made from the fruit is used to dye material used in weaving and basketmaking, the bark makes a red brown dye.

Good quality honey can be produced from the Flowers.

Guided excursions

Guided excursions in English, Zulu and German into the eMalangeni Forest and surrounding area including the nearby Tembe Elephant Park can be arranged. Please visit my websites for contact details.

Written by Michael Hickman on 1April 2021

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Gonatopus angustus

Gonatopus angustus is an interesting plant belonging to the plant family Araceae closely related to and often found growing alongside Zamioc...